getpeercon_raw - Linux


getpeercon_raw retrieves the current raw peer connection state for a specific DIF, net device, or object. It is a powerful tool for diagnosing and troubleshooting network connectivity issues.


getpeercon_raw [-h] [-D] [-S] [-a] [-I ADDRESS] [-P PORT] [DIF|DEV|OBJ]


  • -h: Display help information.
  • -D: Display DIF name instead of IF name.
  • -S: Display DIF seq name instead of DIF name.
  • -a: Display all addresses on a DIF/DEV/OBJ.
  • -I ADDRESS: Display peer connection state for a specific address.
  • -P PORT: Display peer connection state for a specific port.


Display raw peer connection state for all interfaces:

getpeercon_raw -a

Display raw peer connection state for a specific DIF:

getpeercon_raw eth0

Display raw peer connection state for a specific address on a DIF:

getpeercon_raw -I eth0

Display raw peer connection state for a specific port on a DIF:

getpeercon_raw -P 80 eth0

Common Issues

  • Invalid DIF/DEV/OBJ: Ensure that the specified DIF, net device, or object exists.
  • Missing address or port: When using -I or -P, ensure that the specified address or port is valid.
  • No peer connection: If no peer connection is found, check network connectivity and firewall settings.


Combine with iproute2 commands: Use getpeercon_raw output with iproute2 commands like ip and ss for further analysis.
Integration with scripts: Incorporate getpeercon_raw into scripts for automated network monitoring and troubleshooting.

Related Commands

  • ip: Manipulate and display IP addresses and routes.
  • ss: List socket and network connections.
  • netstat: Display network connections and statistics.
