getopt - macOS


The getopt command in macOS is used for parsing command-line options. It assists scripts to parse and validate the options and arguments passed to them conventionally. getopt is useful in scripts where options and their values need to be dynamically handled, promoting flexibility and user-friendliness in command-line tools.


The basic syntax of the getopt command is:

getopt optstring parameters
  • optstring: Contains the option letters to be recognized; if a letter is followed by a colon, the option is expected to have an argument that may or may not be separated from it by a space.
  • parameters: The parameters passed to the command, generally $@ which represents all command-line parameters given to a script.


  • -o, –options [optstring]: Define the options to be recognized by getopt. Each single character in [optstring] represents a unique option. A colon : following a character expects an argument for that option.
  • -l, –longoptions [longoptions]: This option allows for long named options to be specified. Long options are separated by commas. An equal sign = indicates that the option requires an argument.
  • –name [name]: Specifies the name of the script which will be used in error messages.
  • [parameters]: Indicates the end of the options, after which only positional parameters are accepted.


  1. Basic Option Parsing:

    getopt abo: foo -a -b -o arg

    Output: -a -b -o 'arg' -- 'foo'

  2. Using Long Options:

    getopt -l "help,output:" -- --help --output filename

    Output: --help --output 'filename' --

  3. Complex Example with both short and long options:

    args=$(getopt -o ab:c:: --long alpha,bravo:,charlie:: -- "$@")
    eval set -- "$args"
    while true; do
        case "$1" in
                echo "Option alpha"
                echo "Option bravo, argument '$2'"
                shift 2
                echo "Option charlie, argument '$2'"
                shift 2
                echo "Unknown option: $1"

Common Issues

  • Quoting Issues: When using getopt, make sure that command-line parameters are quoted properly, especially when arguments might have spaces.
  • Unrecognized Options: If getopt is unable to recognize an option, it will cause an error. Ensure that all expected options are correctly specified in -o or --options.


getopt can be seamlessly integrated with other shell scripts to enhance their functionality. For example, integrating getopt with bash scripts that manage system backups, file transfers, or system monitoring can significantly improve their usability and flexibility.

PARSED_OPTIONS=$(getopt -o abf: --long all,backup,file: -- "$@")
eval set -- "$PARSED_OPTIONS"
while true; do
    case "$1" in
            echo "Running in full mode"
            echo "Backup in progress..."
            echo "Processing file: $2"
            shift 2
            echo "Invalid option"
            exit 1
  • getopts: A built-in Bash command similar to getopt, but does not support long options.
  • argparse (Python module): Often used for more complex command-line argument parsing.
  • optparse (deprecated Python module): An older option parser replaced by argparse.

For more detailed information and updated features, refer to macOS man pages or directly consult the GNU getopt command documentation if you are using GNU-enhanced utilities on macOS.