getfsfile - Linux


getfsfile is a command-line tool used to capture the contents of a file from a file system snapshot. It is an essential tool for forensic analysis, data recovery, and system troubleshooting.


getfsfile [options] <snapshot> <path> <destination>


  • -r, –recursive: Recursively copy directories and their contents.
  • -c, –checksum: Calculate and verify checksums for the copied file.
  • –progress: Display progress information during file transfer.
  • –no-follow-symlinks: Skip copying symbolic links.
  • –verbose: Enable verbose output, showing detailed information about the transfer process.
  • -h, –help: Display command usage information.
  • -V, –version: Display command version information.


Extract a single file from a snapshot:

getfsfile snapshot.fsext /path/to/file /path/to/destination

Recursively copy a directory from a snapshot:

getfsfile -r snapshot.fsext /path/to/directory /path/to/destination

Calculate and verify checksums during file transfer:

getfsfile --checksum snapshot.fsext /path/to/file /path/to/destination

Common Issues

  • Unable to find file: Ensure that the path provided in the path argument is accurate and that the file exists in the snapshot.
  • Permission denied: Verify that the user has appropriate permissions to access the snapshot and destination file path.
  • Corrupted snapshot: Check the integrity of the snapshot using the fsck command before attempting to extract files.


Chain with other commands:

sudo fdisk -l | grep snapshot | awk '{print $1}' | xargs getfsfile backup.fsext /path/to/file /path/to/destination

This script extracts the file /path/to/file from a snapshot found in the first partition of a disk.

Related Commands

  • fsstat: Display snapshot metadata.
  • dd: Copy and convert files.
  • fdisk: Manage disk partitions.