getaliasent - Linux


getaliasent retrieves the next entry from the aliases database, /etc/aliases. This database allows administrators to define aliases for email addresses or other commands. It can be used for managing email addresses, simplifying command syntax, and providing consistent aliases across a system.


getaliasent() -> dict




Basic usage

>>> import pwd
>>> pwd.getaliasent()
{'root': 'root'}

Iterate over alias database

>>> import pwd
>>> for alias, name in pwd.aliases:
>>>     print(alias, name)

aliasname1 username1
aliasname2 username2

Common Issues

  • Ensure that the /etc/aliases file has the correct permissions and is accessible by the user running the command.
  • Check for syntax errors in the /etc/aliases file, as they can cause the command to fail.


getaliasent is primarily used for managing aliases in scripts or programs. It can be combined with other commands, such as setaliasent and endaliasent to iterate through the entire aliases database or modify specific entries.

Related Commands

  • setaliasent: Opens the aliases database for reading.
  • endaliasent: Closes the aliases database.
  • alias: Creates or modifies aliases interactively.