Get WindowsPackage - PowerShell


Get-WindowsPackage retrieves information about installed Windows 10/11 packages and Microsoft Store apps. It provides insights into installed packages, their properties, and allows for easy management and troubleshooting.


Get-WindowsPackage [-Name] <PackageFullName> [[-ProviderName] <PackageProviderName>][-License] <PackageLicenseName> [-PackageUser Sid] <PackageUserSid> [-EffectiveUser Sid] <EffectiveUserSid> [-OnlyShowApps] [-OnlyShowWindowsPackage] [-OnlyShowFramework] [-OnlyShowDeveloperMode] [CommonParameters]


  • -Name <PackageFullName>: Specifies the full name of the package to retrieve information about. Omit this parameter to retrieve all installed packages.
  • -ProviderName <PackageProviderName>: Filters results based on the provider name. For example, -ProviderName Microsoft retrieves packages from Microsoft.
  • -License <PackageLicenseName>: Filters results based on the license name. For example, -License Full retrieves packages with a full license.
  • -PackageUser Sid <PackageUserSid>: Filters results based on the user’s SID associated with the package.
  • -EffectiveUser Sid <EffectiveUserSid>: Filters results based on the effective user’s SID associated with the package.
  • -OnlyShowApps: Filters results to display only non-Windows packages (apps).
  • -OnlyShowWindowsPackage: Filters results to display only Windows packages.
  • -OnlyShowFramework: Filters results to display only framework packages.
  • -OnlyShowDeveloperMode: Filters results to display only packages installed in developer mode.


Example 1: Get all installed packages


Example 2: Get information about a specific package by name

Get-WindowsPackage -Name Microsoft.Windows.Photos

Example 3: Get packages installed by a specific user

Get-WindowsPackage -PackageUser S-1-5-21-3002707997-3690068695-3855572957-1001

Example 4: Get only Windows packages with a full license

Get-WindowsPackage -OnlyShowWindowsPackage -License Full

Common Issues

  • Missing package information: Some packages may not have complete or accurate information available.
  • Wrong SID format: Ensure the SID values provided are in the correct format (e.g., S-1-5-21-*).


Get-WindowsPackage can be integrated into scripts and workflows for managing software deployments and troubleshooting package-related issues. For example, it can be combined with commands like Remove-WindowsPackage or Add-AppxPackage for automated package management.

  • Add-AppxPackage: Installs an app package from a file path.
  • Remove-WindowsPackage: Removes a Windows package.
  • Find-AppxPackage: Finds app packages installed on the system.
  • Windows Package Manager Documentation