Get VpnConnection - PowerShell


Get-VpnConnection retrieves information about VPN connections configured on the local computer. It allows you to manage and monitor VPN connections efficiently, ensuring secure and reliable access to remote networks.


Get-VpnConnection [-Name] <string> [[-Status] <string>]


  • -Name: Specifies the name of the VPN connection to retrieve information about. When omitted, it retrieves information for all VPN connections.
  • -Status: Filters the VPN connections based on their status. Valid values include:
    • Disconnected: VPN connection is not connected.
    • Connecting: VPN connection is attempting to establish.
    • Disconnecting: VPN connection is terminating.
    • Connected: VPN connection is actively connected.


Example 1: Get all VPN connections


Example 2: Get a specific VPN connection by name

Get-VpnConnection -Name "MyVPNConnection"

Example 3: Get VPN connections that are currently disconnected

Get-VpnConnection -Status Disconnected

Common Issues

VPN Connection Not Found

If Get-VpnConnection returns no results or an error, ensure that the VPN connection you’re trying to retrieve exists on the local computer. Verify the connection name or use the -Status parameter to filter by different connection statuses.

Slow VPN Connection

If the VPN connection is slow, check your network connection, server configuration, and firewall settings. Ensure that the VPN server is accessible and that the necessary ports are open.


Get-VpnConnection can be integrated with other PowerShell commands for automation and advanced tasks.

Example: Connect to VPN using GUI

Get-VpnConnection | Connect-VpnConnection
  • New-VpnConnection: Creates a new VPN connection.
  • Remove-VpnConnection: Deletes an existing VPN connection.
  • Connect-VpnConnection: Initiates a VPN connection.
  • Disconnect-VpnConnection: Terminates a VPN connection.