Get PSProvider - PowerShell


The Get-PSProvider cmdlet retrieves the Windows PowerShell providers registered on the computer. A provider is a component that extends the file system by allowing you to access data stores as if they were part of the file system hierarchy.


Get-PSProvider [[-Name] <string>] [-ErrorAction <ActionPreference>] [-ErrorVariable <string>] [-Include <string>]
 [-OutVariable <string>] [-WarningAction <ActionPreference>] [-WarningVariable <string>]


  • -Name: Specifies the name of the provider to retrieve. Wildcards are permitted.
  • -ErrorAction: Specifies the action to take if an error occurs. Valid values are: Continue, Ignore, Stop, Suspend.
  • -ErrorVariable: Specifies the variable to store the error message in if an error occurs.
  • -Include: Specifies additional properties to include in the output. Valid values are: Description, Host, Name, Options.
  • -OutVariable: Specifies the variable to store the results in.
  • -WarningAction: Specifies the action to take if a warning occurs. Valid values are: Continue, Ignore, Stop, Suspend.
  • -WarningVariable: Specifies the variable to store the warning message in if a warning occurs.


Simple example:


Retrieve a specific provider:

Get-PSProvider -Name FileSystem

Retrieve multiple providers:

Get-PSProvider -Name *Registry*

Retrieve provider properties:

Get-PSProvider -Include Description,Host

Common Issues

The most common issue with Get-PSProvider is that it may not return any results. This can occur if no providers are registered on the computer, or if the user does not have sufficient permissions to view the providers. To resolve this issue, ensure that at least one provider is registered and that the user has the necessary permissions.


Get-PSProvider can be combined with other PowerShell cmdlets to perform advanced tasks. For example, the following command retrieves the FileSystem provider and displays the drives available on the computer:

Get-PSProvider -Name FileSystem | Get-ChildItem
  • New-PSProvider: Creates a new PowerShell provider.
  • Remove-PSProvider: Removes a PowerShell provider.
  • Set-PSProvider: Modifies an existing PowerShell provider.