Get PhysicalDisk - PowerShell


The Get-PhysicalDisk command in PowerShell retrieves information about physical disk drives installed in the system. It provides detailed properties and statistics about each disk, making it useful for disk management, performance monitoring, and troubleshooting.


Get-PhysicalDisk [[-FriendlyName] <string>] [[-Number] <UInt32>]
 [[-SerialNumber] <string>] [-Status <PhysicalDiskStatus>] [-Verbose]


  • -FriendlyName: Filters disks by their friendly name. Accepts partial matches.
  • -Number: Retrieves the disk with the specified disk number.
  • -SerialNumber: Filters disks by their serial number. Accepts partial matches.
  • -Status: Filters disks based on their status. Possible values include Online, Offline, Unknown, and Degraded.
  • -Verbose: Outputs more detailed information about each disk.


  • Get information about all physical disks:

  • Get the disk with the friendly name “Backup Disk”:

    Get-PhysicalDisk -FriendlyName Backup*
  • Get the disk with serial number “WD4000FYYZ”:

    Get-PhysicalDisk -SerialNumber WD4000FYYZ
  • Get the disk with status “Offline”:

    Get-PhysicalDisk -Status Offline

Common Issues

  • Missing Disk Information: If a disk is not recognized or properly initialized, some information may be unavailable.
  • Inaccurate Disk Size: The reported disk size may differ slightly from the actual size due to formatting, partitioning, and other factors.


  • Disk Management: Integrate Get-PhysicalDisk with disk management tools to automate disk-related tasks, such as creating, formatting, and resizing partitions.
  • Performance Monitoring: Use Get-PhysicalDisk to track disk performance metrics, such as read/write IOPS and latency, for performance analysis and troubleshooting.
  • Health Monitoring: Monitor disk health by regularly checking disk status, Bad Block count, and other properties.
  • Get-Disk (retrieves information about logical disks)
  • Format-Volume (formats a disk or partition)
  • New-Volume (creates a new volume on a disk)