Get NetAdapterVmq - PowerShell


The Get-NetAdapterVmq cmdlet gets all Virtual Machine Queue (VMQ) network adapters on the local computer that can be used for Remote Direct Memory Access (RDMA) operations. RDMA is a high-performance data transfer technology that enables applications to access memory on remote computers directly without involving the operating system.


Basic syntax





Example 1: Get all VMQ network adapters


This command will return a list of all the VMQ network adapters on the local computer. The output includes the following properties:

  • Name: The name of the network adapter.
  • Description: The description of the network adapter.
  • InterfaceIndex: The interface index of the network adapter.
  • LinkSpeed: The link speed of the network adapter.
  • MediaType: The media type of the network adapter.
  • Status: The status of the network adapter.
  • VmqEnabled: A flag indicating whether VMQ is enabled for the network adapter.

Example 2: Get the VMQ network adapter with a specific name

Get-NetAdapterVmq -Name "Ethernet 2"

This command will return the VMQ network adapter with the name “Ethernet 2”.

Common Issues



The Get-NetAdapterVmq cmdlet can be used in conjunction with other PowerShell cmdlets to manage RDMA operations. For example, the following command uses the Get-NetAdapterVmq cmdlet to get all the VMQ network adapters on the local computer, and then uses the Enable-NetAdapterRdma cmdlet to enable RDMA on each of those network adapters:

Get-NetAdapterVmq | Enable-NetAdapterRdma
  • Enable-NetAdapterRdma
  • Disable-NetAdapterRdma