Get DnsClientCache - PowerShell


Get-DnsClientCache retrieves the Domain Name System (DNS) client cache that is stored locally on the computer. The cache contains records of recent DNS queries and their results, which can help you troubleshoot DNS issues.


Get-DnsClientCache [-ComputerName] <String> [-Index] <UInt32> [-FlushCache] [-Verbose] [-Debug] [-ErrorAction] <ActionPreference> [-ErrorVariable] <String> [-OutVariable] <String> [-OutFile] <String>


| Option/Flag | Description | Default Value |
| -ComputerName | Specifies the remote computer to retrieve the DNS cache from. | $($env:COMPUTERNAME) |
| -Index | Specifies the index of the DNS cache entry to retrieve. | 0 |
| -FlushCache | Flushes the DNS client cache on the target computer. | False |
| -Verbose | Shows verbose information about the operation. | False |
| -Debug | Shows debug information about the operation. | False |
| -ErrorAction | Specifies the action to take when an error occurs. | Stop |
| -ErrorVariable | Specifies the variable to store error information in. | N/A |
| -OutVariable | Specifies the variable to store the output in. | N/A |
| -OutFile | Specifies the file to store the output in. | N/A |


Retrieve DNS Cache Entries


Retrieve a Specific DNS Cache Entry

Get-DnsClientCache -Index 5

Flush the DNS Cache

Get-DnsClientCache -FlushCache

Common Issues

Error: The remote computer is not responding.

This error can occur if the remote computer is offline or if there is a network problem. Verify that the target computer is online and accessible.

Error: The DNS cache is empty.

This error can occur if the DNS cache has been recently flushed or if the computer has not performed any DNS queries.


Get-DnsClientCache can be combined with other PowerShell commands to perform advanced tasks. For example, you can use the following command to retrieve the DNS cache entries and export them to a CSV file:

Get-DnsClientCache | Export-Csv -Path c:\temp\dnscache.csv