gencnval - Linux
gencnval is a powerful tool for generating pseudo-random numerical values with customizable parameters. It is particularly useful for testing algorithms, creating synthetic datasets, and performing simulations.
- -s, –seed SEED: The seed to use for the random number generator. Default: random seed based on system time.
- -d, –distribution DISTRIBUTION: The type of random distribution to use. Options include:
- normal
- uniform
- exponential
- binomial
- poisson
- gamma
- weibull
- laplace
- cauchy
- logistic
- lognormal
- -p, –parameters PARAMS: Additional parameters for the specific distribution chosen.
- -o, –output FILE: File to write the generated values to. Default: standard output.
- -q, –quiet: Suppress output messages.
- -h, –help: Display this help message.
Generate 50 random uniform numbers in the range [0, 1]:
gencnval 50 -d uniform -p 0 1
Generate 100 random normal numbers with mean 5 and standard deviation 2:
gencnval 100 -d normal -p 5 2
Generate random binomial values with probability 0.7 and 10 trials:
gencnval 50 -d binomial -p 0.7 10
Common Issues
- If the desired distribution is not available, consider using a different tool or implementing it yourself.
- Ensure the correct parameters are specified for the chosen distribution.
gencnval can be used in conjunction with other Linux commands for advanced tasks, such as:
- Generating test data for scripts: Generate random inputs for testing scripts or programs.
- Creating synthetic datasets: Create large datasets for training or evaluating machine learning models.
- Simulating random processes: Model real-world processes by generating random values based on known distributions.
Related Commands
- random: Generate random numbers and strings.
- shuf: Shuffle lines of text.
- head: Print the first part of a file.