gdiffmk - Linux


gdiffmk is a command-line tool for generating makefile rules for recompiling source files based on file dependencies. It’s commonly used in software development to automatically rebuild only the affected components when source files change.


gdiffmk [-CDFGNcU] [-f Makefile] [-m macro] [-v] [file ...]


  • -C: Create a rule for compiling a C source file.
  • -D: Create a rule for compiling a Fortran source file.
  • -F: Create a rule for compiling a Fortran 90 source file.
  • -G: Create a rule for compiling a Go source file.
  • -N: Create a rule for compiling a C++ source file.
  • -c: Create a rule for compiling a Java source file.
  • -U: Create a rule for compiling a Python source file.
  • -f Makefile: Specify the name of the Makefile to generate. Default: Makefile
  • -m macro: Define a preprocessor macro to be used in the Makefile.
  • -v: Verbose mode, print additional information.


Create a Makefile for a C program:

gdiffmk -C main.c

Create a Makefile for a Python script with a custom macro:

gdiffmk -U -m SRC=./src

Generate a Makefile with advanced options:

gdiffmk -CDNV -f MyMakefile -m DEBUG=1 main.c secondary.c

Common Issues

  • Missing dependencies: Ensure that all header files and other dependencies are included in the gdiffmk command.
  • Incorrect file extensions: gdiffmk relies on file extensions to determine the correct compiler flags. Verify that the file extensions match the source file types.
  • Compilation errors: If the Makefile generated by gdiffmk fails to compile, check the compilation errors and adjust the options or dependencies accordingly.


gdiffmk can be integrated with other tools, such as:

  • make: Execute the generated Makefile to build the software.
  • IDE (e.g., Eclipse, IntelliJ): Import the Makefile into the IDE for enhanced development and debugging capabilities.
  • Version control systems (e.g., Git): Use gdiffmk to automatically update the Makefile when source files change, facilitating version control and continuous integration.

Related Commands

  • make
  • gcc
  • g++