function::usymdata - Linux


usymdata is a command-line tool for managing user symbol data on modern Linux systems. It allows administrators and users to create, modify, and delete user symbol data, which is critical for debugging and performance analysis.


usymdata [options] <command> [arguments...]

Available commands:

    create       Create user symbol data
    delete       Delete user symbol data
    list         List user symbol data
    dump         Dump user symbol data
    reload       Reload user symbol data
    ignore       Ignore user symbol data
    annotate     Annotate user symbol data


  • -h, –help: Display help information.
  • -V, –version: Show the version of usymdata.
  • -d, –debug: Enable debug mode.
  • -f, –file: Specify the path to the user symbol data file.
  • -e, –entry: Specify the entry point of the user symbol data.
  • -s, –symbol: Specify the symbol to be managed.


Create user symbol data:

usymdata create -f mysymbols.dat

Delete user symbol data:

usymdata delete -f mysymbols.dat

List user symbol data:

usymdata list

Dump user symbol data:

usymdata dump -f mysymbols.dat

Reload user symbol data:

usymdata reload -f mysymbols.dat

Ignore user symbol data:

usymdata ignore -s my_symbol

Annotate user symbol data:

usymdata annotate -f mysymbols.dat -s my_symbol -a "This is my symbol"

Common Issues

  • File not found: Ensure that the specified file exists and is readable.
  • Permission denied: Verify that the user has sufficient permissions to access the user symbol data file.
  • Malformed data: If the user symbol data is corrupted or malformed, usymdata may not be able to process it.


usymdata can be combined with other tools for advanced tasks, such as:

  • perf: Use usymdata to load user symbol data for perf analysis.
  • gdb: Use usymdata to load user symbol data into gdb for debugging.

Related Commands

  • perf
  • gdb
  • dmesg