function::user_ushort_warn - Linux


function::user_ushort_warn is a powerful Linux command that enables users to work with and manipulate unsigned short (ushort) values. It’s particularly useful in scenarios where precise handling of numerical data is essential.


function::user_ushort_warn [--value=VALUE] [--name=NAME]

Required Arguments:

  • --value: The ushort value to be used.
  • --name: (Optional) The name to associate with the ushort value. Defaults to "ushort_value".


  • --show-value: Display the current value of the ushort.
  • --set-value: Set the ushort to the specified --value.
  • --add: Increment the ushort by the specified value.
  • --subtract: Decrement the ushort by the specified value.
  • --reset: Reset the ushort to 0.


Example 1: Displaying Value

function::user_ushort_warn --value 10 --show-value


Current value of ushort_value: 10

Example 2: Setting Value

function::user_ushort_warn --name counter --set-value 5

Example 3: Incrementing Value

function::user_ushort_warn --name counter --add 2

Common Issues

Issue: Incorrect Input

If an invalid value is provided for --value or during an operation (e.g., incrementing with a negative value), an error will occur. Ensure that valid ushort values are used.


Example: File Size Check

if [[ $(stat -c %s "$FILE") -gt $(function::user_ushort_warn --name max_file_size --show-value) ]]; then
  echo "File size exceeds maximum limit"
  exit 1

In this example, function::user_ushort_warn is used to check if the size of a file exceeds a specified limit.

Related Commands

  • set: Set shell variables.
  • bc: Perform arbitrary precision arithmetic operations.