function::user_ushort_error - Linux


user_ushort_error is a command that generates a ushort (16-bit unsigned integer) error value. It is primarily used for testing and debugging purposes, particularly when working with code that handles ushort data types.


user_ushort_error [OPTIONS] [VALUE]


  • VALUE: An optional ushort value to generate. If no value is provided, a random value will be generated.


  • -h, –help: Display help information.
  • -v, –verbose: Enable verbose output, displaying additional debug information.
  • -s, –seed: Specify a seed value for the random number generator. This is useful for generating a deterministic error value for testing.


Generate a random ushort error value:

$ user_ushort_error

Generate a specific ushort error value:

$ user_ushort_error 65535

Generate a deterministic ushort error value using a seed:

$ user_ushort_error -s 12345

Common Issues

One common issue when using user_ushort_error is ensuring that the generated value is handled appropriately in the receiving code. Since ushort values are unsigned, they do not have a negative range. If the receiving code expects a signed value, it may result in unexpected behavior or errors.

Another issue is the potential for generating excessively large values, especially when using a seed value. To prevent this, it is advisable to use a seed generator that produces values within the desired range.


user_ushort_error can be combined with other tools for more advanced tasks. For instance, it can be piped into a hexdump command to display the generated value in hexadecimal format:

$ user_ushort_error | hexdump -C
00000000  d3 51                                      |..Q|

Related Commands

  • rand: Generate random numbers of various data types.
  • hexdump: Display the contents of a file or data stream in hexadecimal format.
  • gdb: Debugger tool used for examining and modifying running processes.