function::user_string_warn - Linux


The function::user_string_warn command in Linux offers a comprehensive interface for creating, managing, and interacting with user-defined string warnings. It empowers users to customize alerts and notifications based on specific conditions, enhancing system monitoring and troubleshooting capabilities.


function::user_string_warn [options] [STRING]


| Option | Description | Default |
| -h, --help | Display help and usage information | – |
| -f, --filename | Specify the filename associated with the warning | – |
| -l, --line-number | Specify the line number associated with the warning | – |
| -c, --category | Set the category of the warning | – |
| -s, --sub-category | Set the sub-category of the warning | – |
| -r, --reason | Provide a reason for the warning | – |
| -u, --urgency | Specify the urgency level of the warning | – |
| -a, --append | Append the warning to the existing file (if any) | false |


Creating a Basic Warning:

function::user_string_warn "The system is running low on disk space."

Appending a Warning with Category and Urgency:

function::user_string_warn -a -c "Network" -u "Critical" "Network connectivity is unstable."

Specifying Filename and Line Number:

function::user_string_warn -f "/tmp/error.log" -l 56 "An error occurred in the script."

Common Issues

  • Missing Filename: If -f, --filename is not specified, the warning will not be saved to a file.
  • Invalid Line Number: -l, --line-number must refer to a valid line number in the specified file.
  • Unsupported Reason: The -r, --reason option does not allow users to specify arbitrary text.


function::user_string_warn can be integrated into scripts and custom monitoring tools to automate warning generation and management. It can be combined with commands like logger to send warnings to system logs.

Related Commands

  • user_string_debug: Creates string debug messages.
  • user_string_info: Creates string information messages.
  • user_string_error: Creates string error messages.