function::user_string_quoted_utf32 - Linux


function::user_string_quoted_utf32 is a utility function in C++ that converts a string into a quoted UTF-32 string. It is useful for creating strings that can be safely saved and loaded from files or databases without the risk of data corruption or misinterpretation due to encoding issues.


std::string user_string_quoted_utf32(const std::string& string);


  • string: The input string to be quoted and converted to UTF-32.




Simple Example:

std::string original_string = "Hello, world!";
std::string quoted_string = user_string_quoted_utf32(original_string);

std::cout << quoted_string << std::endl;


"Hello, world!"

Escaping Special Characters:

Special characters like quotation marks (") and backslashes () need to be escaped when converting to UTF-32.

std::string original_string = "The \"quick\" brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.";
std::string quoted_string = user_string_quoted_utf32(original_string);

std::cout << quoted_string << std::endl;


"The \"quick\" brown fox jumps over the lazy dog."

Common Issues

  • Encoding Issues: If the input string contains characters that are not supported by UTF-32, they may be truncated or replaced with a substitute character (e.g., ‘?’).
  • Buffer Size: Ensure that the buffer used to store the quoted string is large enough to accommodate the converted result.


Integration with Other Commands:

function::user_string_quoted_utf32 can be used in conjunction with other commands that work with strings, such as:

  • printf: To format and print quoted UTF-32 strings.
  • grep: To search for patterns in quoted UTF-32 strings.
  • awk: To manipulate and transform quoted UTF-32 strings.

Related Commands

  • function::user_string_unquoted_utf32: Unquotes a quoted UTF-32 string.
  • ICU Man Page: Provides comprehensive internationalization and Unicode support.