function::user_string_n_warn - Linux


function::user_string_n_warn is a command used to display a user-defined warning message and log it in the system journal. It provides a simple and consistent way to notify users of potential issues or areas requiring attention.


user_string_n_warn USER_STRING [LEVEL]


| Option | Description | Default |
| LEVEL | Severity level of the warning message. | ERROR |


  • Display a warning message with default severity level:

    user_string_n_warn "Disk space is low."
  • Display a warning message with custom severity level:

    user_string_n_warn "Critical: Database connection failed." WARNING

Common Issues

  • Ensure that the message string is properly quoted to avoid command interpretation errors.
  • If the severity level is not specified, it defaults to "ERROR," which may not convey the intended message importance.


function::user_string_n_warn can be integrated with other commands to create more complex warning systems. For example:

  • Combine with logger to redirect messages to a specific log file:

    user_string_n_warn "Warning: System overload" | logger -t my_app
  • Use with tail -f to monitor system logs for warnings:

    tail -f /var/log/syslog | grep "user_string_n_warn:"

Related Commands

  • logger: Sends messages to the system journal.
  • tail: Prints the last part of a specified file.
  • journalctl: Controls the system journal.

See systemd.journal-gateway(7) for more information on the system journal.