function::user_string_n_quoted - Linux


The function::user_string_n_quoted command generates a string with the N-th user string in the function’s signature, quoted with a double quote ("). This is useful for generating SQL queries or other code that requires quoted strings.


function::user_string_n_quoted(n: int, options: nullable array of str) -> str

The following arguments are required:

  • n: The index of the user string to quote.

The following options are available:

  • esc_quotes: If true, quotes within the string will be escaped.


The following command generates a quoted string with the first user string in the function’s signature:


The following command generates a quoted string with the second user string in the function’s signature, with quotes escaped:

function::user_string_n_quoted(2, {"esc_quotes": true})

Common Issues

If the user string contains a double quote, it must be escaped using a backslash (\) if the esc_quotes option is not set to true.


The function::user_string_n_quoted command can be used with other Linux commands or tools to generate SQL queries or other code that requires quoted strings. For example, the following command generates a SQL query that selects the first column from the users table:

printf "SELECT %s FROM users" "$(function::user_string_n_quoted 1)"

Related Commands

  • function::user_string_n: Generates a string with the N-th user string in the function’s signature.
  • function::user_string_n_literal: Generates a string with the N-th user string in the function’s signature, quoted with a single quote (').