function::user_mode - Linux


The function::user_mode command is a modern function query tool designed to provide detailed information about user-defined functions (UDFs) in a Linux environment. It offers a comprehensive and customizable way to inspect UDFs, making it an essential tool for debugging, performance analysis, and general function management.


function::user_mode [-h] [-v] [-q] [-d <dbname>] [-f <funcname>] [-p <param>]


  • -h: Display help message.
  • -v: Enable verbose output, providing additional details.
  • -q: Suppress output, only displaying the function name.
  • -d <dbname>: Specify the target database name.
  • -f <funcname>: Specify the UDF name to query.
  • -p <param>: Specify a parameter to filter results by.


  • Display basic information about all UDFs:
  • Query a specific UDF:
    function::user_mode -f my_function
  • List UDFs with a specific parameter:
    function::user_mode -p my_param
  • Retrieve verbose information about a UDF in database my_db:
    function::user_mode -v -d my_db -f my_function

Common Issues

  • Invalid database name: Ensure the specified database exists.
  • UDF not found: Verify that the function name is correct.
  • No output: Check if the -q option is enabled.


function::user_mode can be integrated with other commands for advanced tasks:

  • Combine with grep: Filter results based on specific criteria.
  • Use with sed: Manipulate output for custom formatting.
  • Incorporate into scripts: Automate UDF management tasks.

Related Commands

  • psql: PostgreSQL interactive terminal.
  • createdb: Create a PostgreSQL database.
  • dropdb: Drop a PostgreSQL database.