function::user_long_warn - Linux


function::user_long_warn is a Linux command used for emitting user-level warning messages. It is primarily employed in scripts or programs where non-critical errors or issues need to be surfaced to the user.


function user_long_warn [-l LEVEL] [-p PRE] [-s SEVERITY] [-m MESSAGE] [-t TAG]


| Flag | Description | Default |
| -l | Log level | none |
| -p | Prefix | none |
| -s | Severity | warn |
| -m | Custom message | none |
| -t | Tags | none |


Simple warning message:

user_long_warn -m "Disk space is low."

Warning with custom prefix and severity:

user_long_warn -p "Backup Warning: " -s error -m "Backup failed."

Warning with log level and tags:

user_long_warn -l notice -t ubuntu,server -m "Updates available."

Common Issues

  • No output: Ensure that the message is not being suppressed by other logging mechanisms.
  • Unexpected log level: Check the configured log level and make sure it is appropriate for the warning.
  • Missing dependencies: The command requires GNU C Library (glibc) version 2.32 or later.


With scripts:
function::user_long_warn can be used in scripts to provide verbose error messages.


if [ ! -f file.txt ]; then
    user_long_warn -s error -m "File 'file.txt' not found."
    exit 1

With syslog:
function::user_long_warn messages can be integrated with syslog for centralized logging.

user_long_warn -l debug -t app,database -m "Database connection failed."

Related Commands

  • logger: Send messages to syslog.
  • dmesg: Print kernel messages.