function::user_long - Linux


user_long allows managing user accounts, setting long-lived credentials, and triggering authentication. It provides a convenient interface for managing user data and authentication processes.


user_long [options] <command>



  • -u, –user : (Required) Username whose account data is being managed.
  • -t, –target : (Required) Target user whose credentials will be managed.


  • -c, –create: Create a new user account.
  • -d, –delete: Delete an existing user account.
  • -m, –modify: Modify an existing user account.
  • -g, –group : Add the user to a security group.
  • -r, –remove_group : Remove the user from a security group.
  • -p, –password : Set the user’s password.
  • -s, –ssh_keys: Manage the user’s SSH public keys.
  • -a, –auth_token: Trigger the user’s authentication token generation.


Creating a New User Account

user_long -c -u new_user -p new_password -g users

Adding the User to a Group

user_long -u existing_user -g dev_ops

Common Issues

  • Error: User not found: The specified user does not exist.
  • Error: Insufficient privileges: The account making the changes does not have the necessary permissions.
  • Error: Password length too short: The password must meet the minimum length requirements.


  • Integrate with a LDAP server: Manage user accounts stored in a central LDAP directory.
  • Use with automation tools: Integrate with Ansible, Puppet, or Chef for automated user management.

Related Commands

  • user: Manage user accounts and groups
  • adduser: Create new user accounts
  • groupadd: Create new user groups
  • getent: Display information from user databases