function::ubacktrace - Linux


function::ubacktrace is a powerful debugging tool that allows users to trace the execution path of a function in Rust. It provides a human-readable backtrace of the function, showing the stack frames and local variables at each frame. This information can be invaluable for debugging complex code, understanding the flow of execution, and identifying potential issues.


function::ubacktrace [[--verbose] | [--nostack]]


  • –verbose (optional): Print additional information, including the name of the module and the line number of each stack frame.
  • –nostack (optional): Do not print the stack frames. This can be useful for scripts or debugging sessions that want to focus on the local variables.


Simple Example


This will print a backtrace of the current function, showing the stack frames and local variables.

Verbose Example

function::ubacktrace --verbose

This will print a more detailed backtrace, including the module and line number of each stack frame.

No Stack Frames Example

function::ubacktrace --nostack

This will only print the local variables of the current function.

Common Issues

One common issue is that function::ubacktrace can be slow on large functions with many stack frames. To mitigate this, you can use the --nostack option to only print the local variables.


function::ubacktrace can be integrated with other tools and scripts for advanced debugging. For example, you can use it with GDB to set breakpoints and step through the execution of a function.

Related Commands

  • rust-gdb: A GDB extension for Rust.
  • rustc: The Rust compiler.