function::u64_arg - Linux


The function::u64_arg command is a function that returns the value of a u64 argument from a function signature. It is primarily used for introspection or debugging purposes.


function::u64_arg <function-signature> <argument-index>


-h, --help                           Print this help message.


Get the first u64 argument from a function:

function::u64_arg void foo(u64) 0

Get the third u64 argument from a function that takes multiple u64 arguments:

function::u64_arg void bar(u64, u64, u64) 2

Common Issues

Argument Index Out of Bounds

If the provided argument index is greater than or equal to the number of u64 arguments in the function signature, the command will return -1.


The function::u64_arg command can be used in combination with other tools to analyze function signatures and gather information about arguments. For example, it can be piped into a script to automatically generate documentation:

function::u64_arg | grep -v -E '(-h|--help)$' | awk '{print "- #" $0}'

Related Commands

  • function::arg
  • function::signature
  • function::return_type