function::text_str - Linux
text_str is a utility for converting strings to and from binary representations. It supports various encoding formats, allowing you to easily manipulate and interpret binary data.
text_str [OPTIONS] [STRING]
- -b, –binary: Output binary representation of string.
- -u, –unicode: Treat string as Unicode (default).
- -a, –ascii: Treat string as ASCII.
- -d, –decode: Decode binary data into string.
- -f, –format=FORMAT: Encode/decode using specified format (hex, base64, urlencode, urldecode). Default is ‘hex’.
Encode a string to hex:
text_str -b Hello World
Decode hex data into string:
text_str -d 48656c6c6f20576f726c64
Encode a string to base64:
text_str -f base64 Hello World
Decode base64 data into string:
text_str -d base64 SGVsbG8gV29ybGQ=
Common Issues
- Invalid input: Ensure input strings are in the correct encoding format. For example, binary data should be provided in hex form when using
Combine with ‘xxd’ for hexadecimal manipulation:
xxd -g2 input.bin | text_str -b
Use with ‘python’ for advanced string processing:
python -c "print(text_str.text_to_str(data, 'base64'))"
Related Commands
- xxd: Manipulate binary data in hexadecimal format.
- iconv: Convert between character encodings.