function::task_stime - Linux


task_stime measures how long a process has spent in user mode. This includes the time spent in the process’s user-mode kernel helper threads. Therefore, this value is equivalent to the "utime" value reported by the getrusage or time calls, plus the time spent in the kernel helper threads.


task_stime [PID]




Example 1: Display the amount of time the current process has spent in user mode

task_stime $$

Example 2: Display the user mode time for a specific process

task_stime 1234

Common Issues

Error: task_stime: No such process

This error occurs when you try to measure the user mode time of a process that does not exist. Ensure that the PID provided is valid.


Combine with ps

Combine task_stime with ps to display the user mode time for a list of running processes:

ps -e -o pid,user,comm,task_stime

Related Commands

  • getrusage
  • time