function::task_max_file_handles - Linux


The function::task_max_file_handles command in Linux is a system tool used to query or set the maximum number of file handles that can be opened by a specific task or process. It provides a mechanism to control resource usage and prevent runaway processes from consuming excessive file resources.


function::task_max_file_handles [options] <pid> <max_handles>


  • –modify-process: (Optional) Modifies the maximum file handles for the specified process. Defaults to False.
  • –list-all: (Optional) Lists the maximum file handles for all processes. Defaults to False.
  • –query: (Optional) Queries the current maximum file handles for the specified process. Defaults to True.
  • –show-labels: (Optional) Displays process labels along with process IDs. Defaults to False.


Query the maximum file handles for a process:

function::task_max_file_handles --query 1234

Set the maximum file handles for a process:

function::task_max_file_handles 1234 20000

List the maximum file handles for all processes:

function::task_max_file_handles --list-all

Query the maximum file handles for a process with labels:

function::task_max_file_handles --query --show-labels 1234

Common Issues

  • Insufficient Permissions: Running the command without root privileges may result in an error. Ensure you have sufficient permissions or run the command as root.
  • Invalid Process ID: Specifying an invalid process ID can lead to an error message. Make sure the provided process ID corresponds to a valid running process.
  • Invalid Maximum Handles Value: Setting a negative or excessively large value for the maximum file handles can cause unintended consequences or system instability. Choose a reasonable value based on the resource requirements of the process.


The function::task_max_file_handles command can be integrated with other Linux tools for advanced tasks, such as:

  • systemd: Set and control the maximum file handles for services managed by systemd.
  • Process Management Scripts: Write scripts to monitor and adjust maximum file handles dynamically based on system conditions or process behavior.

Related Commands

  • ulimit: Sets resource limits for a user or group.
  • sysctl: Modifies various system-wide parameters, including file system limits.
  • fuser: Identifies processes accessing specific files or file systems.