function::task_ancestry - Linux


task_ancestry retrieves and displays the ancestry hierarchy of a specified task in the form of a tree. It provides insight into the task’s parent-child relationships within the Linux kernel’s task graph.


task_ancestry [options] <task>


  • -v, –verbose: Display detailed information about each task, including its name, PID, and state.
  • -a, –all: Print all tasks in the ancestry tree, regardless of their state.
  • -t, –tree: Print the ancestry tree in a hierarchical format.
  • -c, –color: Colorize the output for easier visualization.


  • Print the ancestry tree of the current task:
  • Display detailed information about the ancestry tree:
task_ancestry -v
  • Show all tasks, regardless of their state:
task_ancestry -a
  • Print the ancestry tree in a hierarchical format:
task_ancestry -t
  • Colorize the output for easier visualization:
task_ancestry -c

Common Issues

  • No such task: Ensure the specified task is running or valid.
  • Access denied: Verify that you have sufficient permissions to access the task’s information.


task_ancestry can be integrated with other commands to provide deeper insights into task relationships. For example:

  • ps aux | task_ancestry: Display the ancestry tree of all running processes.
  • sudo dtruss -p <pid> | task_ancestry: Trace system calls and display the ancestry tree of the specified process.

Related Commands

  • pstree: Displays the process tree in a hierarchical format.
  • top: Displays real-time information about running tasks.
  • pidof: Finds the PID of a running process.