function::sock_fam_num2str - Linux


The function::sock_fam_num2str command converts a numeric socket family number into its corresponding string representation. It is primarily used in network programming and system administration to provide a human-readable name for a socket family.


function::sock_fam_num2str <socket_family_number>
  • <socket_family_number>: The numeric representation of the socket family, such as 1 for IPv4 or 2 for IPv6.


This command does not support any options or flags.


  • Convert IPv4 family number to string:
function::sock_fam_num2str 1

Output: IPv4

  • Convert IPv6 family number to string:
function::sock_fam_num2str 2

Output: IPv6

Common Issues

  • Invalid socket family number: If the provided socket family number is not recognized, the command will return an error message.


This command can be integrated into scripts or command chains to simplify network programming tasks. For example, it can be used in conjunction with the getsockopt command to retrieve the socket family of a given socket:

SOCKET_FAMILY=$(function::sock_fam_num2str $(getsockopt -s $SOCKET_FD SO_DOMAIN))

Related Commands

  • getsockopt: Retrieves socket options, including the socket family.
  • socket: Creates a socket of a specified family and type.