function::set_user_char - Linux


set_user_char enables users to specify a custom character to represent the current user in a terminal window or any other application that supports the PROMPT_COMMAND environment variable. It’s commonly used in Linux shells to customize the command prompt and enhance visual appeal.


set_user_char <character>


| Parameter | Description |
| <character> | The desired character to represent the current user. |




  • Set the current user character to a heart symbol:
set_user_char ♥
  • Display a custom user character using the PROMPT_COMMAND variable:
PROMPT_COMMAND='echo -ne "$(set_user_char ♪)"'

Common Issues

  • Character not displayed: Ensure that the character you specify is valid and supported by your terminal emulator.
  • No visible change: Verify that the PROMPT_COMMAND variable is set correctly in your shell configuration file (e.g., .bashrc).


set_user_char can be integrated with other shell commands to tailor the command prompt further. For instance:

PROMPT_COMMAND='echo -ne "$(set_user_char ♪) $(date +%T) "'

This command will display the user character, the current time, and a space before the prompt.

Related Commands

  • export: Sets environment variables.
  • PROMPT_COMMAND: Sets the command to execute before displaying the command prompt.