function::set_s64_arg - Linux


The function::set_s64_arg command is used to set a 64-bit integer argument for a function call within a shared library. This command is primarily used in C and C++ development to pass large integer values as arguments to functions defined in external libraries.


function::set_s64_arg <address> <value>


  • : The address of the argument to be set.
  • : The 64-bit integer value to be set.


Simple Usage

function::set_s64_arg 0xdeadbeef 100

This sets the argument at address 0xdeadbeef to the value 100.

Setting an Argument in a Shared Library

// C example
void my_function(long long arg) {
  // Use the argument here

In the shared library, the my_function function is defined to take a 64-bit integer argument. Then you can call the function in Linux using function::set_s64_arg and passing the shared library’s address and the value:

function::set_s64_arg 0x12345678 42

Common Issues

  • Argument out of range: Make sure the address provided is within the bounds of the shared library.
  • Argument type mismatch: Ensure that the argument being set is a 64-bit integer.


function::set_s64_arg can be used in conjunction with other Linux commands to automate tasks. For instance, it can be used to set arguments for functions called from within scripts or command chains.

Related Commands

  • function::call: Calls a function within a shared library.
  • function::set_arg: Sets an argument for a function call.
  • function::set_s32_arg: Sets a 32-bit integer argument for a function call.
  • function::set_char_arg: Sets a character argument for a function call.