function::set_kernel_pointer - Linux


The function::set_kernel_pointer command modifies a kernel pointer function. It allows for dynamic updates to the kernel’s function pointers, making it useful in scenarios where pointer modifications are required during runtime.


function::set_kernel_pointer <function_name> <new_address> [<parameters>]
  • function_name: The name of the kernel function whose pointer is being modified.
  • new_address: The hexadecimal address of the new function to be assigned.
  • parameters (optional): Additional parameters required by the specific kernel function being modified (e.g., hook structure).


This command does not have any specific options or flags.


Example 1: Modifying the system call hook

function::set_kernel_pointer sys_call_table sys_call_hook

Example 2: Modifying the kernel module initialization function

function::set_kernel_pointer init_module init_my_module

Common Issues

  • Ensure kernel module is loaded: The kernel module containing the function to be modified must be loaded before using this command.
  • Verify function parameters: Check the documentation or source code for the specific kernel function to determine any required parameters for pointer modification.
  • Root privileges required: This command requires root privileges to execute.


This command can be integrated with other rootkit tools or exploit frameworks to modify kernel functions dynamically. For instance, it can be used in conjunction with function hooking mechanisms to intercept and modify function calls in the kernel.

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