function::s32_arg - Linux


s32_arg is a command-line utility used for parsing and validating arguments of type s32 from the command line. It helps ensure that provided arguments are of the correct type and within specified bounds, providing an easy and reliable way to validate user input in shell scripts and other command-line applications.


s32_arg [-h] [-m minimum] [-M maximum] [-d default] [-n] value [value ...]


  • -h, –help: Display help and usage information.
  • -m, –minimum: Set the minimum allowed value (inclusive).
  • -M, –maximum: Set the maximum allowed value (inclusive).
  • -d, –default: Set the default value to be used if no argument is provided.
  • -n, –not-empty: Require at least one value to be provided (used with -d).


1. Parsing a single s32 argument:

s32_arg 123

2. Validating an argument within a range:

s32_arg -m 0 -M 100 50

3. Using a default value:

s32_arg -d 42

4. Requiring at least one value:

s32_arg -n 10 20 30

Common Issues

  • Invalid argument type: Ensure the provided argument is a valid s32 integer.
  • Argument out of range: Check that the argument falls within the specified range (if any).
  • Missing argument: When -n is used, at least one argument must be provided.


s32_arg can be used in combination with other commands to enhance argument parsing and validation. For example, it can be used in a shell script to validate user input before performing further operations.

Related Commands

  • arg – Generic argument parsing utility.
  • validate-args – Node.js library for argument validation.