function::remote_id - Linux


function::remote_id allows users to manage the remote ID of a Google Cloud Function. This is a unique name for a function deployed in a specific region. With a unique remote ID, each function can be accessed independently with its own URL.


gcloud functions remote_id


  • --add-function <REGION> <PROJECT> <NAME> <REMOTE_ID> Adds a remote ID to an existing function in the given <REGION>, <PROJECT>, and <NAME>.
  • --remove-function <REGION> <PROJECT> <NAME> <REMOTE_ID> Removes a remote ID from an existing function in the given <REGION>, <PROJECT>, and <NAME>.
  • --delete-function <REGION> <PROJECT> <NAME> <REMOTE_ID> Deletes a function along with its remote ID in the given <REGION>, <PROJECT>, and <NAME>.
  • --get-function <REGION> <PROJECT> <NAME> Gets the remote ID associated with a given function in the specified <REGION>, <PROJECT>, and <NAME>.
  • --generate-id Generates a random unique ID for the function.
  • -h or --help: Prints out help for the command.


Adding a remote ID to an existing function

gcloud functions remote_id --add-function us-central1 my-project my-function my-remote-id

Removing a remote ID from an existing function

gcloud functions remote_id --remove-function us-central1 my-project my-function my-remote-id

Getting the remote ID for a function

gcloud functions remote_id --get-function us-central1 my-project my-function

Common Issues

  • Function not found: Ensure that the given <REGION>, <PROJECT>, and <NAME> are correct.
  • Remote ID already in use: Each remote ID must be unique. If the specified <REMOTE_ID> is already in use, try generating a new one using the --generate-id flag.


function::remote_id can be combined with other commands to manage functions and their remote IDs:

# Deploy a function with a specified remote ID
gcloud functions deploy my-function \
--gen2 \
--region us-central1 \
--remote-id my-remote-id

Related Commands

  • gcloud functions create
  • gcloud functions deploy
  • gcloud functions delete