function::print_regs - Linux


The function::print_regs command is used to print the contents of a specified register set in a specified format. This command is part of the Linux kernel’s debugfs file system, a virtual file system designed for debugging purposes.


function::print_regs [OPTION]... REGSET


Required Arguments:

  • REGSET: The register set to print.

Optional Arguments:

  • -a, --all: Print all registers in the set.
  • -f FORMAT, --format FORMAT: Print the registers in the specified format.
    Available formats: raw, hex, dec, bin, dec-label, hex-label.
  • -n NUMREGS, --numregs NUMREGS: Print only the first NUMREGS registers.
  • -w WIDTH, --width WIDTH: Print the registers in the specified width.
    Available widths: 8, 16, 32, 64.


Print all registers in the x86_64 register set in hexadecimal format:

function::print_regs x86_64 -f hex

Print the first 10 registers in the arm64 register set in decimal format:

function::print_regs arm64 -n 10 -f dec

Print all registers in the PowerPC register set in binary format:

function::print_regs PowerPC -f bin

Common Issues

  • Error: No such register set: Ensure that the specified register set exists.
  • Error: Invalid format: Check that the specified format is supported.


The function::print_regs command can be integrated into scripts or command chains for automated register inspection. For example:

function::print_regs x86_64 | grep "rax"

This command prints the contents of the rax register in the x86_64 register set.

Related Commands

  • debugfs: Mount point for the debug file system.
  • function::show_regs: Shows the contents of a specified register set.
  • function::set_regs: Sets the contents of a specified register set.