function::pointer_arg - Linux


function::pointer_arg is a powerful command-line tool for generating C/C++ function pointers from command-line arguments. It simplifies the process of passing function pointers as arguments to other programs or libraries, enabling dynamic and versatile code execution.


function::pointer_arg <function-name> <argument-type>...


  • function-name: The name of the function pointer variable to generate.
  • argument-type: The type of each argument that the function pointer will accept. Multiple arguments can be specified, separated by spaces.




Generate a function pointer with no arguments

function::pointer_arg my_function

Generate a function pointer with multiple arguments

function::pointer_arg my_function int char* double

Use the generated function pointer

// function.c
int add(int a, int b) { return a + b; }

// main.c
#include <function_ptr.h>

int main() {
  function_ptr my_function = function::pointer_arg("add", "int", "int");
  int result = my_function(3, 5); // Call the function pointer with the generated function
  printf("Result: %d\n", result);
  return 0;

Common Issues

Function not found

Ensure that the function being referenced exists in the current scope or is included from a header file.

Argument type mismatch

Verify that the specified argument types match the function’s signature.


function::pointer_arg can be integrated with other commands to create dynamic and reusable code:

With scripting languages

Generate function pointers from command-line arguments and pass them to scripting languages like Python or JavaScript for dynamic execution.

With other libraries

Create function pointers to seamlessly integrate external libraries into C/C++ programs, allowing for runtime customization and flexibility.

Related Commands

  • bind: Create a new function with a specific set of bound arguments.
  • func: Define an inline C function within a shell script.
  • gcc(1): The GNU Compiler Collection provides options for working with function pointers.