function::pn - Linux


pn is a powerful Python function that facilitates seamless execution of arbitrary Python code within a shell environment. It integrates Python’s versatility with the command line’s agility, allowing users to perform complex tasks and process data efficiently.


pn [options] code


  • code: Python code to be executed.


  • -e [expression]: Execute expression and print the result.
  • -c [command]: Execute shell command and return the output.
  • -i: Enter interactive mode for Python (requires -c).
  • -q: Suppress output unless an error occurs.
  • -h, --help: Display usage information.


  • Execute Python code: Execute a simple "Hello, world!" statement:
pn print('Hello, world!')
  • Execute shell command: Retrieve the current directory:
pn -c 'pwd'
  • Interactive mode: Open an interactive Python session:
pn -ci
  • Suppressed output: Print no output unless an error occurs:
pn -q print('This output will not be printed')

Common Issues

  • TypeError: Ensure that the Python code is valid and has proper syntax.
  • PermissionError: Check if the script being executed has the necessary execution permissions.


pn can be integrated with other Linux commands and tools:

  • xargs: Execute multiple commands in parallel:
find . -type f -exec pn -c {} \;
  • grep: Search for specific patterns in Python code:
grep 'import re' *.py | pn -c

Related Commands

  • python: Interactive Python interpreter.
  • xargs: Execute commands on multiple input lines.
  • grep: Search for patterns in text files.

For further reading and support, refer to the official documentation: