function::ns_sid - Linux


The ns_sid command is used for network service identifier (SID) management, including creation, modification, and deletion. It provides a streamlined and centralized approach to managing SIDs, simplifying network configuration and administration.


ns_sid [options] <command> [arguments]


  • -a, –add: Create a new SID.
  • -d, –delete: Delete an existing SID.
  • -m, –modify: Modify an existing SID.
  • -s, –show: Display SID information.
  • -l, –list: List all SIDs.
  • -f, –file: Specify a configuration file.
  • -v, –verbose: Enable verbose output.
  • -h, –help: Display help and usage information.


Create an SID:

ns_sid -a my_sid

Modify an existing SID:

ns_sid -m my_sid --description "New description"

Delete an SID:

ns_sid -d my_sid

List all SIDs:

ns_sid -l

Common Issues

  • Permission denied: Verify that you have sufficient privileges to manage SIDs.
  • SID not found: Ensure that the SID you specified exists before attempting to modify or delete it.
  • Invalid syntax: Double-check the syntax of your command and ensure that all required arguments are specified.


ns_sid can be integrated with other network management tools for automation and advanced tasks. For example, it can be used in scripts to create and manage SIDs programmatically.

Related Commands

  • ns_network: Manage network interfaces.
  • ns_address: Manage IP addresses.
  • ns_route: Manage routing tables.