function::ns_egid - Linux


The function::ns_egid command provides a namespace-aware wrapper around the getegid system call, retrieving the effective group ID of the current process within the specified namespace.


function::ns_egid [--ns=<namespace>]


  • --ns=<namespace>: Specify the namespace for which the effective group ID will be retrieved. Defaults to the current namespace.


  • Get the effective group ID in the current namespace:
  • Get the effective group ID in a specific namespace:
function::ns_egid --ns=my-namespace

Common Issues

  • Error: Invalid namespace: Ensure that the specified namespace exists and is valid.


The function::ns_egid command can be used in conjunction with other tools to manage and inspect process attributes in different namespaces. For example, it can be used with the nsenter command to enter a specific namespace and retrieve the effective group ID of the current process within that namespace.

Related Commands

  • function::ns_gid: Get the group ID of the current process within a namespace.
  • function::ns_get_nsid: Get the namespace ID of the current process.
  • nsenter: Enter or spawn a new process in a different namespace.