function::ngroups - Linux


The function::ngroups command in Linux retrieves the number of supplementary groups that the effective user or a specified user is in. This information is useful for understanding user permissions and access levels within a system.


function::ngroups [user]
  • [user]: (Optional) The username for which to retrieve the number of supplementary groups. If no user is specified, the effective user is used.




  • Get the number of supplementary groups for the current user:

  • Get the number of supplementary groups for a specified user:

    function::ngroups root

Common Issues

  • Permission denied: If you do not have sufficient permissions to access the user’s information, you may receive an error message. Ensure that you have the necessary permissions or switch to the root user.


  • Combining with getent: Use function::ngroups to retrieve the number of supplementary groups for users listed in the /etc/passwd file:
    getent passwd | while read line; do user=$(echo $line | cut -d: -f1); echo $user $(function::ngroups $user); done

Related Commands

  • getent: Get information from databases like passwd, group, and hosts.
  • groups: Print the group memberships of a user.