function::mdelay - Linux


The function::mdelay command in Linux pauses script execution for a specified number of milliseconds. It is primarily used for precise timing control in scripts, allowing fine-grained control over delays between commands.


function::mdelay [--help] [--version] <milliseconds>


  • --help: Display the usage information for the command.
  • --version: Print the current version of the command.
  • <milliseconds>: The number of milliseconds to pause execution for. This parameter is required.


Simple Usage:

Pause execution for 100 milliseconds:

function::mdelay 100

Complex Usage:

Integrate the command into a script to delay execution until a specific condition is met:

while true; do
  # Check for a condition
  if [ $CONDITION == "ready" ]; then
  function::mdelay 200  # Pause execution for 200 milliseconds

Common Issues

Incorrect Syntax:
Ensure that the syntax is accurate and that all required arguments are provided.

Invalid Argument:
The value specified for milliseconds must be a non-negative integer.

Unintended Delays:
The command may introduce unexpected delays if placed incorrectly in a script. Use it cautiously when precise timing is critical.


The function::mdelay command can be integrated with other Linux commands and tools using pipes or scripts. For instance, it can be used to delay the execution of a command in a pipe sequence:

command1 | function::mdelay 300 | command2

Related Commands

  • sleep: A native Linux command with similar functionality.
  • timeout: A more sophisticated command for controlling timeouts and executing commands with time limits.