function::linuxmib_filter_key - Linux


The linuxmib_filter_key command filters a LinuxMIB result set based on a KVP pair. It is used to extract specific information from the returned data, allowing for focused analysis and reporting.


linuxmib_filter_key --key <key> [--negate]


  • --key <key>: Specify the key to filter by, using the LinuxMIB KVP format.
  • --negate: Invert the filter logic, excluding results with the specified key-value pair.


Simple filtering by key:

Filter results for any key containing the string "uptime":

linuxmib_filter_key --key uptime

Filtering with negation:

Exclude results with the key "load_avg":

linuxmib_filter_key --key load_avg --negate

Complex filtering using multiple keys:

Filter for results containing the key "cpu_time" and excluding those containing the key "load_avg":

linuxmib_filter_key --key cpu_time --key load_avg --negate

Common Issues

  • No results: Ensure the specified key exists in the LinuxMIB result set.
  • Invalid key format: Key-value pairs in LinuxMIB follow a specific format (e.g., key.subkey.subsubkey). Use the correct syntax to filter effectively.


  • Use with other Linux performance monitoring tools, such as linuxmib_query and linuxmib_summarize, to create custom reports and dashboards.
  • Integrate into monitoring scripts and frameworks to automate Linux system health checks and performance analysis.

Related Commands

  • linuxmib_query: Query LinuxMIB for system information.
  • linuxmib_summarize: Summarize and aggregate LinuxMIB results.