function::ktime_get_ns - Linux


The function::ktime_get_ns function in Rust returns the current time in nanoseconds since an arbitrary point in time in the past. This function is typically used for measuring elapsed time or comparing two points in time.


pub fn ktime_get_ns() -> u64;


This function does not have any options or flags.


use std::time::SystemTime;

let start = SystemTime::now();

// Do some work

let end = SystemTime::now();

let elapsed_ns = end.duration_since(start).expect("Error getting duration").as_nanos();

println!("Elapsed time: {} nanoseconds", elapsed_ns);

Common Issues

One common issue when using this function is that it can return a negative value if the system time has been changed since the function was first called. This can happen if the system clock is adjusted manually or if the computer is suspended and resumed.


This function can be used with other Rust functions and libraries for measuring elapsed time or comparing two points in time. For example, it can be used with the std::time::Duration type to create a duration that represents a specific number of nanoseconds.

Related Commands

  • std::time::SystemTime::now() – Returns the current time as a SystemTime object.
  • std::time::Duration::as_nanos() – Converts a Duration object to a number of nanoseconds.