function::kernel_string - Linux


The function::kernel_string command is a tool used to retrieve a specific kernel string from the Linux kernel. It allows users to access and display information stored in the kernel’s data structures, providing valuable insights into the system’s configuration and status.


function::kernel_string [OPTION]... [SYMBOL]


  • -h, –help: Display help information.
  • -n, –namespace: Specify the namespace in which to find the symbol. Default: "".
  • -v, –verbose: Print debug information.
  • -s, –string: Output the string value of the kernel symbol instead of the address.


# Get the kernel version string
function::kernel_string kernel_version

# Get the namespace of the kernel
function::kernel_string --namespace 

# Get the symbol's string value
function::kernel_string --string xfs_log_version

Common Issues

  • Permission denied error: Ensure you have root privileges to execute this command.
  • Symbol not found: The specified symbol may not exist in the running kernel. Double-check the spelling or use nm -A /proc/kallsyms to search for the symbol.


function::kernel_string can be integrated with other tools for advanced debugging:

  • GDB (GNU Debugger): Use within GDB commands to inspect kernel data structures.
  • Process Explorer: Combine with ps to examine the kernel’s memory usage.

Related Commands

  • dmesg: Display kernel messages.
  • kallsyms: List kernel symbols.
  • procfs: Access the kernel’s virtual file system.