function::kernel_int - Linux


kernel_int graphically represents Linux kernel interrupt processing, providing detailed information on interrupt latency, throughput, and the associated processes, CPUs, and devices.


kernel_int [-h] [-d D] [-c C] [-p P] [-x X] [-n file] [-m file] [--save-file file] [--save] [--status] [--show-count]


  • -h, –help: Display help information.
  • -d, –duration D: Duration of the trace (in seconds), default: 60.
  • -c, –cpu C: Comma-separated list of CPUs to record, default: all.
  • -p, –process P: Comma-separated list of processes to record, default: all.
  • -x, –exclude X: Comma-separated list of processes to exclude from recording, default: none.
  • -n, –name file: Specify a file containing the CPU names, optional.
  • -m, –mask file: Specify a file containing the interrupt bitmask, optional.
  • –save-file file: Save the trace to a file.
  • –save: Save the trace to a file based on the current time.
  • –status: Show the current status of the trace.
  • –show-count: Show the interrupt count.


  • Track interrupt activity on CPUs 0 and 1 for 120 seconds:
kernel_int -d 120 -c 0,1
  • Exclude interruptions from processes "kernel" and "kworker":
kernel_int -x kernel,kworker
  • Save the trace to a file named "my_trace.txt":
kernel_int --save-file my_trace.txt

Common Issues

  • Ensure you have root privileges to run the command.
  • If the output is truncated or contains errors, increase the duration using the -d option.


  • Pipe the trace output to other tools, such as grep or awk, to filter and analyze the data.
  • Use in conjunction with perf record to collect performance data for specific kernel functions.

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