function::ipmib_local_addr - Linux


The ipmib_local_addr command provides an interface to manage IPMI (Intelligent Platform Management Interface) local addresses. It allows users to query, add, modify, and delete local addresses configured on an IPMI controller.


ipmib_local_addr [-h] [-v] [-g <object_id>] [-d <object_id>] [-a <addr_source>] [-s <addr_type>] [-t <addr_format>] [-r <addr>] [-m <addr_mask>] [-n <offset>] [-i <addr_id>] [-p <addr_priority>] [-x <auth_type>] [-z <auth_target>] [-S] [-E] [-F] [-R] [-U] [-V] [-C]


  • -h: Display usage help and exit.
  • -v: Verbose output.
  • -g <object_id>: Get local address with specified object ID.
  • -d <object_id>: Delete local address with specified object ID.
  • -a <addr_source>: Address source (e.g., mm, static, bios).
  • -s <addr_type>: Address type (e.g., ipv4, ipv6).
  • -t <addr_format>: Address format (e.g., decimal, hex).
  • -r <addr>: Address value.
  • -m <addr_mask>: Address mask (e.g., 0xFFFFFFFF).
  • -n <offset>: Offset of address within target.
  • -i <addr_id>: Address ID.
  • -p <addr_priority>: Address priority.
  • -x <auth_type>: Authentication type (e.g., none, password, md5).
  • -z <auth_target>: Authentication target (e.g., channel, ipmb, lan).
  • -S: Save address to file.
  • -E: Export address in YAML format.
  • -F: Force update even if address already exists.
  • -R: Reset local address configuration to default values.
  • -U: Encrypt data using specified key.
  • -V: Verify local address configuration.
  • -C: Create new local address configuration file.


Get local address by object ID:

ipmib_local_addr -g 0

Add local address:

ipmib_local_addr -a static -s ipv4 -t decimal -r -m -n 0

Modify local address priority:

ipmib_local_addr -g 1 -p 100

Delete local address:

ipmib_local_addr -d 2

Common Issues

  • Address already exists: Use the -F flag to force update and overwrite existing addresses.
  • Invalid address format: Ensure the address is provided in the correct format (e.g., decimal, hex) using the -t option.
  • Unable to authenticate: Verify that the correct authentication type and target are specified using the -x and -z options.


The ipmib_local_addr command can be integrated into scripts or command chains to automate IPMI local address management tasks. For example:

# Get all local addresses and export to YAML file
ipmib_local_addr -g -E > local_addresses.yaml

# Delete all local addresses
ipmib_local_addr -R

Related Commands

  • ipmitool – IPMI command-line utility
  • ipmiset – Set IPMI configuration parameters