function::inode_name - Linux


inode_name extracts the inode serial number and file name from a specified path. This command is typically used for advanced file system management and debugging purposes.


inode_name [-d] [-u] [-U] [-l] [-F] [-s] [-c] [-z] [-Z] [--null] [--sort=KEY] [PATH...]


  • -d, –directory: Only print directories.
  • -u, –uid: Print the UID of the file’s owner.
  • -U, –gid: Print the GID of the file’s group.
  • -l, –long: Print all information in a long listing format.
  • -F, –format=FORMAT: Specify the output format (see below).
  • -s, –size: Print the file size.
  • -c, –color: Colorize the output.
  • -z, –null: Terminate each line with a null character.
  • -Z, –print0: Same as -z.
  • –null: Same as -z.
  • –sort=KEY: Sort the output by the specified key.
  • PATH…: The path(s) to extract inode information from.

Output Format Strings (-F)

  • %a: All information in long listing format.
  • %b: Block count.
  • %f: File name.
  • %i: Inode number.
  • %n: File name without directory.
  • %p: Path to the file.
  • %s: File size.
  • %u: UID of the file’s owner.
  • %g: GID of the file’s group.
  • %F: File type indicator (e.g., /).


Extract the inode and file name for a single file:

inode_name /path/to/file

Extract information for all files in a directory:

inode_name -l /path/to/directory

Extract the inode and file name formatted as a comma-separated list:

inode_name -F '%i,%f' /path/to/file

Common Issues

  • Permission denied: Ensure you have sufficient permissions to access the specified path.


inode_name can be combined with other commands for advanced tasks, such as:

  • Find files with specific inodes:
find . -inum `inode_name /path/to/file`
  • Create a list of inodes for all files in a directory:
inode_name -F '%i' /path/to/directory | xargs -I{} find . -inum {}

Related Commands

  • find: Find files based on various criteria.
  • ls: List files and directories.
  • stat: Display file and directory properties.