function::gid - Linux


The function::gid command is a versatile Linux utility for extracting and modifying group IDs (gid) associated with files and directories. It offers precise control over file ownership and permissions, making it an essential tool for system administrators and advanced users.


function::gid [OPTIONS] [FILE(S)]


  • -h, –help: Display the help message.
  • -V, –version: Display version information.
  • -c, –check: Check the gid of the specified files without making any changes.
  • -s, –set: Set the gid of the specified files to the provided value.
  • -n, –numeric: Use numeric gid values instead of group names.
  • -R, –recursive: Recursively apply the command to all files and subdirectories.


Display the gid of a file:

$ function::gid /etc/passwd

Set the gid of a file:

$ function::gid -s users /var/logs

Recursively set the gid of a directory and its contents:

$ function::gid -R 500 /opt/data

Check the gid of a file without making changes:

$ function::gid -c /home/user/

Common Issues

  • Permission denied: Ensure you have the necessary permissions to modify the files and directories.
  • Group does not exist: If -n is not used, the specified group must exist on the system.
  • Invalid gid: Specified gid value should be a valid numerical value (with -n) or a valid group name.


The function::gid command can be combined with other tools for advanced tasks, such as:

  • find: Locate files with specific gid values.
  • chown: Change the owner and group ownership of files.
  • chmod: Modify file permissions.

For example, to find all files owned by the "users" group:

$ find . -gid users

Related Commands

  • id
  • groups
  • getent