function::fullpath_struct_path - Linux


The fullpath_struct_path command translates a full path into its component parts, providing a structured representation of the file or directory path. This command is particularly useful for parsing paths and extracting specific directory or file information, such as filename extensions or subdirectory names.


function::fullpath_struct_path <full_path>


| Parameter | Description |
| <full_path> | The full path to the file or directory to parse. |


  • Extracting filename extensions:

    function::fullpath_struct_path /path/to/file.txt | awk '{print $NF}'
  • Getting the subdirectory name:

    function::fullpath_struct_path /path/to/subdir/file.txt | awk '{print $(NF-1)}'
  • Parsing a full path:

    function::fullpath_struct_path /path/to/file.txt | while read -r f; do echo "File: $f"; done

Common Issues

  • Empty parameters: Using the command without providing a full path will result in an error. Ensure that a valid path is specified.


fullpath_struct_path can be combined with other commands for advanced tasks:

  • Listing files with specific extensions:

    find /dir -type f | function::fullpath_struct_path | awk '{if ($NF ~ /\.txt$/) print $0}'
  • Changing directory permissions:

    function::fullpath_struct_path ~/dir | xargs chown -R user:group

Related Commands

  • dirname: Extracts the directory name from a path.
  • basename: Extracts the filename from a path.
  • realpath: Resolves symbolic links and returns the absolute path.