function::fullpath_struct_nameidata - Linux


The function::fullpath_struct_nameidata function in Linux is a system call used to convert a pathname into a fully qualified path by resolving symbolic links and other special file types. It is particularly useful when working with files that may be accessed through multiple paths.


int fullpath_struct_nameidata(struct nameidata *nd);




To resolve the symbolic link /tmp/link and obtain its fully qualified path:

struct nameidata nd;
nd.path = "/tmp/link";
if (fullpath_struct_nameidata(&nd)) {
    // Error handling
printf("Full path: %s\n", nd.path);

To resolve a path containing relative components:

struct nameidata nd;
nd.path = "../Documents/myfile.txt";
if (fullpath_struct_nameidata(&nd)) {
    // Error handling
printf("Full path: %s\n", nd.path);

Common Issues

  • Ensure that the provided nameidata structure is properly initialized before calling fullpath_struct_nameidata.
  • Check the return value of the function to determine if any errors occurred during path resolution.


fullpath_struct_nameidata can be used in conjunction with other Linux commands, such as fopen, to ensure that files are accessed using their fully resolved paths.

Related Commands

  • realpath: Resolves a symbolic link to its absolute path, but does not traverse the entire path.
  • getwd: Obtains the current working directory.